N.T. Technology に日本人スタッフはいないらしいのだが、
それと、なぜ http://tadaima.com/index.php だけが直訳調の日本語なのか、
http://2ch.tora3.net/ とは違う人が作ったのかについても聞いてみたがスルーされた。

642 名無し編集部員 2013/10/15(火) 15:52:52.43 ID:7mh0twJR
Why Japanese in the website is so strange?
It looks like as if these pages are generated by machine translation.
You have native Japanese staffs or people who are very good at Japanese, don't you?
(http://pele.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/9249663629/ and http://2ch.tora3.net/
are written in very natural Japanese)

643 xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2013/10/15(火) 19:31:20.83 ID:???
I do not have Japanese staff. Would you let me know what is wrong?

648 名無し編集部員 2013/10/15(火) 22:00:56.68 ID:7mh0twJR
If you don't have any Japanese staffs, why http://pele.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/9249663629/ and
http://2ch.tora3.net/ are written in perfect Japanese?
Who wrote these two pages?
Also, who created the Rokka official website (http://tadaima.com/)?

652 xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2013/10/16(水) 05:56:02.87 ID:???
The page was created by us aborigines.

655 名無し編集部員 2013/10/16(水) 21:17:14.09 ID:RmRbazG+
So all pages were created by the same person?
Why quality of Japanese varies from page to page?