
861 xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2013/11/05(火) 22:07:03.02 ID:???
Actually I take them very seriously. The code for ● to work is perl
and was sent to them in September. It is live now here.
Of course it is an anonymous bbs.
The leak is still being investigated. The anonymous responsible for it
will eventually be caught.
All requirements the UNEI sent me, have been met. It would be very nice
if they would turn ● back on, but I doubt that they will.
It is just a shouting match talking with them. There is no interest
in finding a solution, and I am not part of 2ch, they have told me that
pointedly many times. So we can just watch and see what they do next.
It is like watching a train wreck to me. It is so shocking and horrible,
but I can't look away.