HI、Jim - San.
I propose to freeze the entire server group that once this 2ch.
There is a case that you disconnected the server from the relationship of the transfer amount previously, the majority of people is because had seen the demise of 2ch also at that time.
At that time, go-getter engineers of the UNIX begun to resolve the situation, I have emerged from the crisis.
However, I think it is not a problem such, moral of 2ch itself is being questioned this time.
do not think in the place that was frozen for about one week except for the only management board of the particular community and die.
Rather, it will be the event to remember again what was in that environment themselves blessed how.
It may be drastic remedy, but please consider as a way of fair management in the future.
Let's talk with Jim-san.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2014/02/24(月) 00:39:02.47ID:40nE8fhI0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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