When I saw the board for the first time in a few days, ID has been introduced.
It was very disappointing.
A board with ID and without ID is another thing.
I hoped you to respect the culture built by the board without ID.
You say that we can switch it back, but there is no big problem in the board with ID in practice. It's same as without ID. It is difficult to point out the problems of the board with ID.
So, it is impossible to go back again without ID.
In japan and in China, there is no big problem in both country. but if Japan becomes to China, Japanese will be troubled.
Japanese people want to live in Japan. Where should Japanese go when Japan lost?
I hope to create a new board with ID, instead of changing the ID system of the existing board.
The culture of this board without ID was gone. Never to return again.
I lost my favorite home borad.
It's very disappointing.....
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2014/03/12(水) 02:15:25.88ID:IQbVIOcO0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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