>>868 is a mere sabotage. Please ignore him.
He asserts that we abandoned the vote result, just because we built a new thread. Does it make any sense?
And this is how, they (opposing rabid minority) have sabotaged our discussion and voting.

For instance, they had threatened us dozens of times before the voting.
"If you vote and show your IP address, I might go to your work places"
"Showing IP address can lead to the leakage of the personal information such as credit-card number."
and so on and so forth.

I'm exhausted...
Please give our 外国語(英語除く)board a weapon to fight back vandalism.

I appreciate your daily hard work.
Best regard, 外国語(英語除く)板

* My first trip(◆OXgwxAc3nk) key has been hacked by someone who used it for impersonation. So, I have been forced to change trip key. Sorry for the trouble.
http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gogaku/1405348161/895 (impersonation)