Dear Jim,
Re: Foreign Languages Board
(if and only if ◆f/UruE.G8.= ◆OXgwxAc3nk)
[POINT A] >>869
It’s a real shame that ◆f/UruE.G8. misled you by a very unfaithful English summary of the text written in Japanese:
A possible literal translation:
> How many people here know the details of the information leak of personal data which occurred last year at 2ch?
> Don’t you remember the upheaval, saying that not only e-mail address and credit card numbers,
> but also all the texts posted with the IDs, of those who bought [so called MARU for] 2ch viewer, were able to be identified?
> But, did the administration staff of 2ch compensate the victims, fulfilling their responsibility?
> The first speaker of the thread (>>1) will certainly evade her/his responsibility, if there are such problems.
I do never understand how she/he could conclude, from this post, that “they had threatened”,
by summarising it by the following biased phrase "Showing IP address can lead to the leakage of the personal information
such as credit-card number."
Contrarily to what she/he tries to say in >>869, she/he wrote himself at the very end of the first thread:
>990 名前: ◆f/UruE.G8. [] 投稿日:2014/07/27(日) 00:08:15.87
You may translate that heading:
> As some of us would like to introduce the forced ID into this foreign language board,
> in this thread, we’d like to hear your opinions concerning the possible introduction of the forced ID.
If she/he thinks that the decision was already made, why did she/he propose such lines for the next thread?
Two more facts:
(1) Because of her/his hot tempered character, even her/his pros recommended her/him not to write in the thread:
and she/he doesn’t appear after these posts.
It means that she/he abandoned his role of managing the thread and the discussion, doesn’t it?
(2) But the most important one: as you observe in the posts from the end of the first thread to the second one,
a really substantial discussion was held on this weekend.
This fact means, on the foreign language board, we have to spare SOME WEEKS to have a real discussion.
It’s not yet time to vote.
Thanks again, and really sorry to bother you...
We continue to discuss, and bring our conclusion in one month.
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2014/07/30(水) 00:03:10.78ID:/dY8JYtB0
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