Dear Jim-san

I'm a Mathematics-Board user.

We discussed and voted about displaying IDs in this thread.
discuss :
vote :

Result here.
Approval : 16
Opposite : 3

Please change the IDs settings in SETTING.TXT, BBS_FORCE_ID=checked and remove the check from BBS_NO_ID.

[summary of the discussion]
■Opinions for displaying IDs
・We are suffering from trolls, vandalisms, and extreme right-wing propagandas.
Displaying IDs may effective in improvement of the environment of this board.
・There is no inconvenience in displaying IDs.
・NG system will become more convenient if IDs are displayed.

■Opinions against displaying IDs
・There is no conveniense in displaying IDs.
・Most of the threads are not suffering from trolls.
・We should make deletion requests before changing IDs settings.