>>97 english version
I am http://toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/tech/ user.
We discussed ID settings in the board.
And we voted.
61 votes in favor versus 2 against.
These are discussion threads.
プログラム板 自治スレッド Part15
プログラム板 強制ID導入議論スレッド
Our discussion started a few years ago.
We made a thread a week ago.
The thread anounced vote date. We discussed the settings in it.
The thread had 293 responses until vote date.
This was the fastest increare in number of response in the board during the time.
We announced vote time all threads which were faster than 5 responses per hour.
And we got a lot of voting.
The discussion is summarized below.
The users will be able to communicate smoothly.
The users will be able to hold out against trolls.
2ch shoud be free.
Value of a response shoud be evaluated in only contents of the response.
background information:
examples of trolls in the tech board.
The trolls slandered a programming language and user of the language,
and called other people "mental case",
and talked about nuclear plants,
and wrote the words we couldn't understand.
Would you please set BBS_FORCE_ID=checked and BBS_NO_ID=(none)?
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2014/03/10(月) 15:01:16.44ID:rQ4hiRfz0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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