magro まだ2,3時間はかかるっぽいな (DNS通しての前準備が整うまでの時間だと思うけど
355 名前:Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/02/28(金) 14:23:08.47 ID:???
Imaging is almost finished. Then we will bring the server online and make sure its working correctly.
After its working, then we will add the DNS and it should be good to go.
We probably need two or three more hours.
2ch サーバーダウン(鯖落ち)情報 part470
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2014/02/28(金) 14:27:05.09ID:jnYaC8Th0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています