Jim-san cap handles;
xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part27
Let's talk with Jim-san.★2
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2014/03/01(土) 09:03:58.15ID:mDLhlV6N0
2014/03/01(土) 09:28:12.02ID:TsTC9eHx0
※ わりと重要なことを書くときはわりと平易な英文になるように意識してもらえてはいるようです
※ わりと重要なことを書くときはわりと平易な英文になるように意識してもらえてはいるようです
2014/03/01(土) 09:37:49.50ID:GUH6NpdJ0 ジムとかいう無能
2014/03/01(土) 09:52:22.56ID:Iag2Zqrf05動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる
2014/03/01(土) 10:14:39.97ID:phUdYIB30 Good morning, Jim.
2014/03/01(土) 10:34:13.47ID:IAjoZFoA0
Hello, guys behind Jim-san.
So, this is 'name lending', isn't it?
Where're 岩坂りゅうへいライアンsan, 中尾やすこsan?
So, this is 'name lending', isn't it?
Where're 岩坂りゅうへいライアンsan, 中尾やすこsan?
7xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★
2014/03/01(土) 12:13:36.78ID:???0 >>6
Gone with the wind.
Gone with the wind.
2014/03/01(土) 12:15:27.24ID:xJEfF7vd0 風と共に去りぬ・・・
9xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★
2014/03/01(土) 12:32:16.09ID:???0 >>8
Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn.
Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn.
2014/03/01(土) 14:38:48.16ID:nbcOcQV10
Good afternoon,Jim-san,
We'll be make a vote about reproduction tommorow,
and we'll report a result on Monday or after.
Good afternoon,Jim-san,
We'll be make a vote about reproduction tommorow,
and we'll report a result on Monday or after.
2014/03/01(土) 15:22:59.05ID:t5kmUOq70
I like Kamen-Rider!
2014/03/01(土) 18:28:47.13ID:AxW4B2SD0
2014/03/01(土) 18:33:31.44ID:2PbreHZT0 板の復帰をしないと不味いよ
2014/03/01(土) 18:40:53.75ID:zfctnMs70
2014/03/01(土) 19:05:55.48ID:rLaSu2JV0 good evening jim san.
sorry to be sudden.
Do you become banned Affiliate site in the VIP and NAN J from tomorrow?
please response if you can.
sorry to be sudden.
Do you become banned Affiliate site in the VIP and NAN J from tomorrow?
please response if you can.
16Grape Ape ★
2014/03/01(土) 19:09:16.08ID:???0 >>15
I am working on the memories server now.
Please post your change requests to the Setting change thread.
I am sure they can help you out. If you don't get help. Let me know,
when I am done with my work I will help too.
I am working on the memories server now.
Please post your change requests to the Setting change thread.
I am sure they can help you out. If you don't get help. Let me know,
when I am done with my work I will help too.
2014/03/01(土) 19:12:55.32ID:rLaSu2JV0 >>16 all right.thank you for response.
2014/03/01(土) 19:13:01.48ID:HDYTmqJmP
19Grape Ape ★
2014/03/01(土) 19:22:04.16ID:???0 >>12
I stopped clicking on them. So disgusting. Please be careful what you click upon.
I stopped clicking on them. So disgusting. Please be careful what you click upon.
2014/03/01(土) 19:39:46.14ID:PtXW8pxC0
2014/03/01(土) 19:40:44.31ID:DJOfS2iL0
Hi, Jim-san, some ex-engawa users are waiting to get then-live threads
resided in engawa server before starting new threads on maguro server.
As you said that you are working on "memory server". Are you going to transfer
live threads dat files that were on engawa server to maguro server? Or, live dat
files could not be salvaged and has to start brand new on engawa server?
Hi, Jim-san, some ex-engawa users are waiting to get then-live threads
resided in engawa server before starting new threads on maguro server.
As you said that you are working on "memory server". Are you going to transfer
live threads dat files that were on engawa server to maguro server? Or, live dat
files could not be salvaged and has to start brand new on engawa server?
22Grape Ape ★
2014/03/01(土) 19:49:31.55ID:???0 >>21
When the engawa server crashed, nothing was saved except the datfiles
which were in a folder on a different drive.
So we rebuilt the system a bit.
You should be able to see your missing dat files now.
I can see this one. Can you?
When the engawa server crashed, nothing was saved except the datfiles
which were in a folder on a different drive.
So we rebuilt the system a bit.
You should be able to see your missing dat files now.
I can see this one. Can you?
2014/03/01(土) 19:57:14.27ID:DJOfS2iL0
Yes, I could see the thread....as past log.
It means that old live thread on engawa server could not be back on as live thread on maguro server?
Yes, I could see the thread....as past log.
It means that old live thread on engawa server could not be back on as live thread on maguro server?
24Grape Ape ★
2014/03/01(土) 20:35:46.52ID:???0 >>23
Tom is still trying to recover files. As of now the only files
recovered are from the /hd partition. If the /md partition is
recovered. I will make certain they are posted again.
Tom is still trying to recover files. As of now the only files
recovered are from the /hd partition. If the /md partition is
recovered. I will make certain they are posted again.
2014/03/01(土) 20:47:16.35ID:DJOfS2iL0
Thank you, Jim-san. I now understand the current situation.
I hope the recovery will work well.
Thank you, Jim-san. I now understand the current situation.
I hope the recovery will work well.
26Grape Ape ★
2014/03/01(土) 20:49:42.30ID:???0 So, we are all tired. The files we have been able to retrieve
are accessble. Sorry if there is not more, but if Tom is able
to recover more, we will put them up right away. It is a real
shame, that the current dats are not recovered.
By the way, you should be able to access just about any old dat
are accessble. Sorry if there is not more, but if Tom is able
to recover more, we will put them up right away. It is a real
shame, that the current dats are not recovered.
By the way, you should be able to access just about any old dat
2014/03/01(土) 21:05:30.57ID:ZoK3FPxA0
Wishing you success.
I have a question.
What time live-threads will be moved to maguro-server?
I could access "past-thread"(過去ログ).
example: http://engawa.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/ojyuken/1375719593/
But I couldn't access "live-thread"(生きてるスレ).
example: http://engawa.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/ojyuken/1393117606/
Wishing you success.
I have a question.
What time live-threads will be moved to maguro-server?
I could access "past-thread"(過去ログ).
example: http://engawa.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/ojyuken/1375719593/
But I couldn't access "live-thread"(生きてるスレ).
example: http://engawa.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/ojyuken/1393117606/
2014/03/01(土) 23:02:30.30ID:X0mx/Erk0
The thread Do you also accept change of ID setting?
The thread Do you also accept change of ID setting?
2014/03/01(土) 23:19:44.08ID:DJOfS2iL0
30Grape Ape ★
2014/03/01(土) 23:21:17.63ID:???0 >>27
Everything we have recovered is online and accessible. I hope we can get more.
I am waiting for a report from Tom.
Everything we have recovered is online and accessible. I hope we can get more.
I am waiting for a report from Tom.
2014/03/01(土) 23:52:07.78ID:ZoK3FPxA0
Thank you for a reply.
Thank you for a reply.
2014/03/02(日) 00:11:10.49ID:ogFRENmO0
Vote is started.
Vote is started.
33Grape Ape ★
2014/03/02(日) 00:17:42.66ID:???0 Good night
2014/03/02(日) 00:27:37.36ID:gjKR17UN0 __________________
2014/03/02(日) 00:29:00.58ID:gtdPHRpI0
Good night Jim
The big sleep
The big sleep
2014/03/02(日) 00:49:52.02ID:Aj3aFtFN0 good night
2014/03/02(日) 02:03:01.75ID:b0lezGzd0 The person who does unapproved reproduction is also in 2ch.
Can 2ch respond to that?
I think that 2ch will receive an antipathy from others in the place which asserted unapproved Copyright reserved supposing it cannot do.
There are also people and the company which unapproved reproduction was done and were indignant at 2ch in the past.
The advertisement of 2ch may be erased depending on the case.
An unapproved reproduction report is also in a log in the past.
I will think that 2ch is "pirates" for the original copyright holder of the report by which unapproved reproduction was carried out at 2ch.
Can 2ch respond to that?
I think that 2ch will receive an antipathy from others in the place which asserted unapproved Copyright reserved supposing it cannot do.
There are also people and the company which unapproved reproduction was done and were indignant at 2ch in the past.
The advertisement of 2ch may be erased depending on the case.
An unapproved reproduction report is also in a log in the past.
I will think that 2ch is "pirates" for the original copyright holder of the report by which unapproved reproduction was carried out at 2ch.
2014/03/02(日) 03:28:12.08ID:86lphiWj0
Hi, Jim-san. We appreciate you and the staffs. I especially hope that
ongoing threads which are under 1000res could be appeared in the "maguro"
as same as "engawa". Hope good news from Tom-san. Sincerely.
Hi, Jim-san. We appreciate you and the staffs. I especially hope that
ongoing threads which are under 1000res could be appeared in the "maguro"
as same as "engawa". Hope good news from Tom-san. Sincerely.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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