JIM san.
dont believe what 嫌儲 peoples said.
too much strict rule (like ninja) on 2ch.
many poeple wanted to write 2ch but they couldnt so that many user uses MATOME blogs.
i agree with 転載禁止 for ログ速 or etc but not MATOME blogs.
if they can write on 2ch, then they will come back to 2ch.
if many MATOME blog user quit blogging things from 2ch, many lite MATOME blog readers wont come to 2ch and never.
people read MATOME blogs because its not so long and easy to read.
if not then they wont come to 2ch. in other words, many MATOME blog readers will come if they wanted to enter and participate 2ch communities.
and they will became real 2ch users. with out MATOME blogs, probably 2ch user will reduce its numbers.
Let's talk with Jim-san.★2
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2014/03/04(火) 21:26:45.89ID:mLwyEXly0
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