Dear Jim-san, I have a suggestion that you may be interested in: a way to earn money.
Almost all blogs stealing 2ch contents are earning money by using affiliate programs, such as and So I think you should also use those affiliate programs.
If you rewrite outbound links to those e-commerce sites posted by users and insert your affiliate ID, you will earn a lot of money without a doubt.
Not only that, your affiliate cookies will prevent bloggers from earning money because 2ch users readily use your affiliate links to support you.
In fact,, aka Futaba Channel, the largest image board in Japan, is using those affilate programs to run their website and users are buying goods via their links to support their home board.
So there is no reason that you shouldn't use those programs.
I heard that some large blogs are earning millions of yen in a month. Why don't you stop overlooking them and get back your rightful money?
Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's.
Let's talk with Jim-san.★2
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2014/03/04(火) 23:38:01.99ID:HvvC0hOO0
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