jim, personally i think you are still misunderstanding what is BIGGEST problem of matome sites.
as you know, these matome sites are used to be "matome" of 2ch which most people gonna imagine
like summary or conclusion of our discussions written in 2ch.
in current state. this kind of thoughts are totally wrong.
yeah, these "matome" sites USED TO BE working like that. not anymore.
good example is Hachima-kikou but most famous "matome" blog is owned by company.
they were making a blog for discussion of xbox/PS3 and gaming discussion of 2ch.
although they looks like owned by a random amateur person who is not professional for
marketing or advertsement. no, they are not. in fact, they are owned by company.
i dont care about they gonna "matome" our discussion or not, personally if they just copy paste the
ENTIRE discussion written in 2ch which you MAY concern.
the problem is, they act like normal 2ch users and post random troll/fanboy fight/no reason rage post
just to make their "matome" blog more interesting. no less, no more.
2ch is biggest and most famous community in japanese internet users not like 4chan.
japanese company SECRETLY admit that 2ch has the power of controlling japanese so they try to buy
these "matome" sites and make their posts secretly advertise their products.
these actions are ILLEGAL in america but not in japan (yet).
example URL:
you may trust or not, SONY is one of famous company that do this in 2ch a LOT. there is also evidence too.
they often appear in 2ch and posts "xbox360 fails" shit over and over and over and over.
they have not stopped this yet too.
you can check this fact of this "problem" (yeah this is only just a "problem" in our country's law) in wikipedia.
the "GK" (SONY LAN) problem can be checked here:
and guess what? these "matome" sites will earn cash by making their blog as one sided.
so, basically, they earn cash by messing up our discussion which destroys true constructive discussion in 2ch.
leeching your resource, rights, "stealth" advertise, bring 2ch rage fight is their keywords.
what you think about this, jim?
i dont think you still get the point since you cannot read japanese languages AT ALL.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★5
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