to solve this issue, you MUST do some kind of actions against these bloggers.
setting charge for reproduction of 2ch posts is good start.
btw jim, i didnt like a sentence posted by you.
>we reserve rights to that data
this is wrong. the data written by users ALSO HAS right of use to the posts.
NOONE else can give them rights unless the topic has such term of use.
these DATA which posted in 2ch is belong to you.
however, the POST ITSELF is written by users.
WE have right of quoting our posts. WE can decide which post can be quoted. not YOU.
2ch authors only got rights which you can allow quoting/reproducing in final decisions.
noone should not break this rule, simple right?
that's why we are trying to decide which boards are free to be quoted/reproduced.
check japanese law and read my post again if you are unclear to these my thoughts.
i dont think i am writing wrong.
im not big fan of hate posts. but jim, you are... disappointing us.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★5
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2014/03/07(金) 14:18:25.50ID:0k3zyypy0
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