Hello, Mr. jim.

I'm sorry I cannot speak English.

One person is introduced today.His name is "Ronpa". He is very mad.

He insulted one woman over many years in 2ch(http://awabi.2ch.net/akb/).

Her name is Ms. Rena Matsui of idol group "SKE48" of Japan.

Although all were deleted now, he made no less than 100 threads in 2ch(http://awabi.2ch.net/akb/).

All the fans of "AKB48" received the big trouble for his action.

For example, ...

2013/7/14-8/10 For 28 days
The total writing 10,073(360res/day)
In the inside of it 2ch(http://awabi.2ch.net/akb/) 8,996(321res/day)

For example, ...

Although I think that it was surely on February 26, 2014,

It writes in large quantities every day.


He uses the provider who probably calls it "Bay communications".

Also in order not to recur from now on, I consider that it is better
to refuse his entrance into a 2ch.

Although worried about whether a meaning is transmitted,

Thank you for having you read.