Interesting, please note that All Rights Reserved is not required to be displayed to have
rights. Both of our fine countries are party to this convention.

all rights reserved
Source: "Wiktionary" (2013/09/01 23:08 UTC version)
all Rights reserved
( Idiomatic , law ) The Copyright Holder of a creative work reserves all Copyright - related Rights ,
Typically INCLUDING the right to publish the work , to make Derivative Works of it , to distribute it ,
to make profit from it , to license a number of THESE Rights to Other People , and to forbid THESE
the uses by any Nonauthorized People , THUS Being Entitled to Take legal Action Against infringement .
Considerations for use
Formerly USED as a notice to protect a publisher 's Copyright.
Not required in countries That Are Party to the Berne Convention as of 2000.