
239 名前:いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね@転載禁止[sage] 投稿日:2014/03/23(日) 00:42:06.35 発信元:xxx.xxx.xx.xx
“It looks like a lot of copied art from poverty” is probably wrong,
it might be “It looks like poverty copies a lot of ASCII Art from that website.”

By the way, I'm afraid that Jim-San isn't familiar with the special circumstance that ASCII Arts (a.k.a. Shift-JIS Arts) are situated in Japanese internet culture.
ASCII Art is not just an art, it's a meme.

yaruo.b4t.jp is a website/database that collects and documenting ASCII Arts from all over the internet,
not only 2ch but also Shitaraba (This BBS has the largest community of ASCII Art now....it is larger than 2ch's ASCII Art community), yy, etc.,
and a lot of people copies ASCII Art from that website and spread it on all over the internet, include 2ch.

247 名前:Grape Ape ★@転載禁止[] 投稿日:2014/03/23(日) 00:53:28.68 ID:???
I am enjoying ascii art.

254 名前:いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね@転載禁止[sage] 投稿日:2014/03/23(日) 01:03:00.67 発信元:xxx.xx.xx.xx
