Hello, Mr.Jim.
I wrote the same matter on the last thread too, but I am writing it again so that you will read it and answer it.
I have not understood yet why you a foreigner who do not understand Japanese is controlling this website "2ch",
where only Japanese are chatting only in Japanese.
As you know, we already have many problems of controlling 2ch: whether reproduction of our texts on 2ch should
be permitted or not.
As there are many ideas on this thread now, it is required for us to discuss it more and more.
Then it is necessary that the administrator should understand our language.
Otherwise only users who have ability to tell their ideas in English can do it, others who do not have the ability
cannot, as now.
Have you understood what they have written on this thread in Japanese?
Although I am writing this message in English, it is comical that a user of a BBS should write his or her message
not in the language which is the mother tongue of all of the users of the BBS but in another which only the
foreigner administrator is using.
It is a tremendous problem that ideas of some users should be ignored only on account of your not understanding
Even if you are using a machine to translate Japanese sentences in English ones, it can hardly, if ever, tell you
the important respects.
All rights reserved does not mean 転載禁止.
Actually your misunderstanding has caused a problem once.
Controlling 2ch must not matter for you, but it really does for us, since we have depended on 2ch or loved 2ch for
a long time.
Although you now have the right of controlling 2ch, you should have ordered some Japanese to do it instead of
you so that we would have no more problems as ones which we now have.
If you now have such a plan. you should tell it to us immediately.
And if NOT you should tell us why you do not have such a plan in spite of reasons above.
Thank you very much for reading this message.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★9
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