Hi Jim and Brazil! How are you?
I'm not fine! Thank you!
Do I have your attention now? I want to state an opinion from a
2ch-user perspective.
Usually, most of us don't know what's going on inside the
2ch-admin(commission or organization or whatever).
For us, as a matter of fact, you two are all insiders of 2ch-admin.
Discussions and agreements, inside this structure, are mostly
unpublicized. The process of reaching the decision is cloaked in
mystery. You guys can be described as a secretive society.
(at least you guys are not an open structure)
Although, this is NOT a problem as long as you guys attend to our wishes.
I'm NOT going to point this to criticize or protest as long asyou guys
are under control of Hiroyuki. Nobody can be a supplanter of him.
What is unacceptable is that, you guys are
involved into a internal
conflict and getting the users into trouble. Where does this disturbing
trend come from? Who stopped p2? Who is messing all this stuff?
It seems like some sectarians are propelled by ambition to
have all the power. The sect publicizes patchy informations, filtered
from the full picture, and that's just a ticket to justify themselves.
To win over the 2ch-users, they are pretending like they are an
open communication committee. They say like they are different from the
former ones. But that's not true. A statement like
"I have nothing more to do with blah-blah-blah"
is entirely-unacceptable.
p2.2ch.net総合スレ Part112
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