Jim, code monkey,
I heard that it is considering a new system.
876 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/14(金) 15:23:24.92 ID:???0
I want to open up the boards that require BE points to use them.
However, Ronin and Maru users dont have any credibility when they post on those boards.
We need a new system so users can establish credibility before they are allowed to post on those boards.
Currently BE helps to establish credibility by requiring people to pay money.
Can you make a discussion about how to establish credibility without requiring people to pay money?
If we can have such a system, then that is good for the whole of 2ch.
I want to experiment with this matter.
Please give me a chance.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★11
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