Hi Jim, what's up? Do you like NBA?
We would like to improve a disorderly Basket Board (バスケット板 http://kohada.2ch.net/basket/).
I show you this data. ↓
ID is not displayed although a Basket Board is a special board.
Since ID is displayed, there is order in other Ball Game Boards, but it is not in a Basket Board...
We have continued the argument for a long time.
And before one year and a half, the application about ID was submitted officially towards 2ch-management.
However, it was dismissed simply.
We are asking for change.
Please display ID compulsorily like other sport boards in a Basket Board.
If you demand the concrete example which shows the problem of a board, we can show.
We desire a compulsory ID displaying..
Would you change the specification of a board as a trial employment period?
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★12
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2014/03/16(日) 21:17:34.52ID:n/eD9PMP0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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