I understand here are loads aficus and they annoys you now for real.
Unyou board has been used for 2ch administration since 2ch was born.
FOX used to escaping here and making new boards for the same reason.
That results only Fox fun boys followed him and made the mental distance between admin and 2ch users.
My concern is that you start purseing FOX before.
2ch has a place of free speech in Japan.
I would like you to endure these suckers and stay here and administrate all 2ch matters instead of pink, siberia and other boards.
The existence of aficus here show us they have some troubles.
We can use these samples. Are they screaming? Are they happy? are they angry?
is this effective?
I know you told me you did not like this bord name coz of mares.
Just change the name whatever you like.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★16
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492あひるちゃん ◆2gpD9lKn5TVE
2014/03/24(月) 01:15:33.27ID:AqD8c8930■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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