Good evening, Sir!
Sir General Jim, The army board at toro server is under operation "bbs-force-id-Evaluation" Sir!
The operation is expected to run till 2014/April/18, Sir!
Voting for approval and status change of bbs-force-id from 'experement' to 'approved' is to be held at 2014/April/19 to 2014/April/25 Sir!
Vote is to be casted between "Forced-ID"(強制ID) OR "Opt-in-ID"(任意ID), this is a army board attempt to resolve the matter,
and we would like approval for performing the vote, sir!
We request support from Command and controll center for
BBS_NONAME_NAME=名無し三等兵@ID設定投票日4/19-25自治スレ (John-Doe@ID-evaluation-voting-will-be-performed-during-19th-to-25th-at-board-policy-thread)
to notify all personel in the army board, Sir!
This is absolutly required in order to complete the experement, as during the vote at
軍事板 ID試験導入に関する投票
賛成(Agree):37 反対(Against):2
board consensus was to resolve the matter as a 2 stage process,
voting (intorduce change or not) -> evaluation (1 month) -> voting (here to stay, or revert back).
We are currently at the evaluation stage, Sir!
If everything goes well, voting will be performd to decide whether the change is here to stay, or it should be reverted back.
Operation will be commenced, following support form the C2, Banzai!
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★16
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857Army Board Liaison officer ◆kHiXISPRyw
2014/03/25(火) 00:32:33.06ID:LWhoAf4o0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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