General Jim Good morning.
I am ID experimenter officer of army board.
877 >> 890 >>
Liaison Officer that we have sent to you Did gentleman?
That's my concern.
Because there needs to be a gentleman officer.
We are grateful to General Jim.
You gave me the opportunity to us.
Request from the Liaison Officer of our
(John-Doe @ ID-evaluation-voting-will-be-performed-during-19th-to-25th-at-board-policy-thread )
Can not ask the General other than.
This is also within the scope of the experiment.
However, the conclusion.
I will follow the General Jim.
If it is your instruction, we will charge even if there is no support.
We are looking forward to conclusion.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★16
926予備政治士官 ◆MVChfC0L7Y
2014/03/25(火) 06:01:21.01ID:Y0wKZ3ZC0レス数が900を超えています。1000を超えると表示できなくなるよ。
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