Now some users ( perhaps users of Kenmo board ) join the discussion of self-government of other board,
and I think that , perhaps, they are leading argument by the way of Sockpuppet, for voting.
And the result of that vote is accepted by administrator of " 2ch ". by this,
default name and local rule of the boards were changed in the most part of "2ch".
Some of the proofs of that are the result of "Hissi checker" scan of voting-thread, or log of the thread of vote-maneuvering on Kenmo board.
See also,
Hissi-checker result:
The thread on Kenmo board:【議論】転載禁止総合【投票】〜9threads)
However, they insist , like this " this is the fair way that Jim-san accepts! ".
And they do not listen to the objection in the self-government argument of other boards.
Seriously, sometimes, intimidation is carried out for "the person who advocated objection" by them.
For example, the survey of " the personal information of the person who advocated objection "
and the disclosing that are carried out by the users of " Kenmo board".( I think that this is criminal act in Japanese society. )
I think that " self-government argument thread" on each board is to decide local rule of the board.
Therefore, about the case of this time like the maneuvering ( sockpuppeting ) , or the change of local rule by that non-normalcy way,
you ( administrator ) think that is an act of "laying waste", don't you?
In addition, few particular users, except them, force one-sided rule on the whole users, can you say " this is the democracy ( match the democracy Jim-san insist ) "?
Many unique users of "2ch"( ordinary 2channelers ) ignore Sockpuppets behavior.
One of the reasons " ordinary 2channelers don't want to get involved in troublesome ".
Another reason, " Many 2channeler believe the freedom of internet,
and they think that even though some people spoofing users of other board and write to 2ch, that is freedom."
However, about the vote that was performed by users of KENMO board and some users who were controlled by KENMO,
they report the result of that with saying "This is the completely legitimate vote, according to the democratic principle of the board."
And it is the present conditions that the result is uncritically accepted by manager( Owner ) of "2ch".
I think that you can confirm this, even the board with a little number of unique users.
I hope to manager(Owner), please confirm this " lay waste " act, and please do a lot of effort to keep good usability of "2ch", for us, or for yourself.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★17
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