Jim-san cap handles;
xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part30
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★16
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★17
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2014/03/25(火) 13:31:04.48ID:/FEKSaAp0553Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 20:27:18.99ID:???0 >>532
The caps from news4plus are on news4plusd. They are still working on a name there.
I made a few name suggestions, but i am staying out of their autonomy.
Please discuss with them here.
The caps from news4plus are on news4plusd. They are still working on a name there.
I made a few name suggestions, but i am staying out of their autonomy.
Please discuss with them here.
2014/03/27(木) 20:30:13.69ID:/rSixzIL0
2014/03/27(木) 20:36:05.03ID:UphHK1I30 いや〜流石に今回は右も左もジャップ連呼になるわ
2014/03/27(木) 20:36:55.35ID:AQwwAB+d0
2014/03/27(木) 20:41:10.02ID:SMilM+hQ0
2014/03/27(木) 20:42:52.70ID:SMilM+hQ0
2014/03/27(木) 20:50:20.04ID:RjB4k4E60
We discuss about Affinia report volunteer(KENMO CAP) now.
Jack-san said us that " Please clarify the criteria " .
So , we try to make Fair-Use Guide
We request the deletion to Affinia site in accordance with these rule.
We do NOT want to delete Fair-Use sites.
If you can , could you please tell your opinion for us.
Fair-Use Guide
(A) Don't get profit through the web site that use 2ch contents.
(B) Keep to use the 2ch contents to the minimum .
(C) Don't tamper.
(D) Don't sift that malicious and intentional .
(E) Please write the original source page URL , "This is the 2ch contents" and create backlink in the prominent place.
(F) Don't infringe the interests of the 2ch.
(G) Don't infringe the interests of the original source's community .
(H) Please according to remove as soon as possible when we request the deletion.
Thank you.
We discuss about Affinia report volunteer(KENMO CAP) now.
Jack-san said us that " Please clarify the criteria " .
So , we try to make Fair-Use Guide
We request the deletion to Affinia site in accordance with these rule.
We do NOT want to delete Fair-Use sites.
If you can , could you please tell your opinion for us.
Fair-Use Guide
(A) Don't get profit through the web site that use 2ch contents.
(B) Keep to use the 2ch contents to the minimum .
(C) Don't tamper.
(D) Don't sift that malicious and intentional .
(E) Please write the original source page URL , "This is the 2ch contents" and create backlink in the prominent place.
(F) Don't infringe the interests of the 2ch.
(G) Don't infringe the interests of the original source's community .
(H) Please according to remove as soon as possible when we request the deletion.
Thank you.
2014/03/27(木) 20:53:01.88ID:VibQBTo80
2014/03/27(木) 21:03:21.81ID:cwTrLjhg0 暴言を自己正当化するなよ
562Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 21:11:57.36ID:???0 >>556
It is as I suspected. Nobody really wanted that change they requested of me. It was just
a change request to cause trouble. I surprised them by making the new board with the
rule they requested.
Now we have a new board, it does not have a name yet, that is being discussed. This doppelgänger
board could be used for many things. Let's see if the reporters from news4plus use it.
If it goes unused, then I will repurpose it. When it has a name, we can put it on the menu, then
people will know about it.
It is as I suspected. Nobody really wanted that change they requested of me. It was just
a change request to cause trouble. I surprised them by making the new board with the
rule they requested.
Now we have a new board, it does not have a name yet, that is being discussed. This doppelgänger
board could be used for many things. Let's see if the reporters from news4plus use it.
If it goes unused, then I will repurpose it. When it has a name, we can put it on the menu, then
people will know about it.
563Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 21:14:58.36ID:???0 >>559
Jack-san is a wise man. Please consider his words. He wants you to discuss more
so that you really know what you can do and how you can help 2ch.
Jack-san is a wise man. Please consider his words. He wants you to discuss more
so that you really know what you can do and how you can help 2ch.
2014/03/27(木) 21:20:11.89ID:RjB4k4E60
Thank you , Jim-san.
So , we will submit our discuss result to Jack-san .
We really want to help 2ch and you .
We are hoping that your job goes well .
Thank you , Jim-san.
So , we will submit our discuss result to Jack-san .
We really want to help 2ch and you .
We are hoping that your job goes well .
2014/03/27(木) 21:22:36.79ID:AQwwAB+d0
2014/03/27(木) 21:24:18.01ID:pj67r5ho0
He put off that issue.
This calls for prompt action.
I'd like you to propose that by collaborating with them.
He put off that issue.
This calls for prompt action.
I'd like you to propose that by collaborating with them.
2014/03/27(木) 21:27:31.45ID:dQdV9NMT0
discussion of the report volunteer took place here
To some extent, opinion was gathered
Please call there, the jack-san
discussion of the report volunteer took place here
To some extent, opinion was gathered
Please call there, the jack-san
568Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 21:28:39.03ID:???0569Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 21:29:04.10ID:???0570Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 21:29:39.73ID:???0 >>565
2014/03/27(木) 21:30:53.86ID:DUXARSQr0 普通にニュー速にもなんjにも差別擁護使う奴いるけどな
2014/03/27(木) 21:32:03.84ID:RjB4k4E60
2014/03/27(木) 21:32:28.45ID:Y9AFHrvg0
2014/03/27(木) 21:34:00.31ID:PhKAVd2b0
Hey Jim-san.
As well as a non-achiever of two military apprenticeship era, パリダカ is a non-achiever minimum fuel the thread residents by exploiting the two military cap.
Deprivation final reason is that it leaked many times the password of the cap, it bothered Tumon you. Being existence not to give the cap to snake or more, it is a malicious liar full of going to betray the unabashedly Jim.
● It is about was delighted that it was good to not have to buy in because they can not be trusted is also operated.
It does not like that he buy a ronin without any cap right but, oh the right and wound up only gold.
Hey Jim-san.
As well as a non-achiever of two military apprenticeship era, パリダカ is a non-achiever minimum fuel the thread residents by exploiting the two military cap.
Deprivation final reason is that it leaked many times the password of the cap, it bothered Tumon you. Being existence not to give the cap to snake or more, it is a malicious liar full of going to betray the unabashedly Jim.
● It is about was delighted that it was good to not have to buy in because they can not be trusted is also operated.
It does not like that he buy a ronin without any cap right but, oh the right and wound up only gold.
2014/03/27(木) 21:39:14.36ID:/rSixzIL0
(H) Please according to remove as soon as possible when we request the deletion.
(H) Please according to remove as soon as possible when we request the deletion.
576Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 21:40:30.18ID:???0 >>574
I have no problem with Tamun-kun. I don't think Tamun-kun has a problem with me.
I have never heard of the snake woman until today, and I don't plan to issue any press caps
at all in the near future. There are already alternative news boards that don't require a press
cap. Please put up a thread there, and see if you can get some interest.
I have no problem with Tamun-kun. I don't think Tamun-kun has a problem with me.
I have never heard of the snake woman until today, and I don't plan to issue any press caps
at all in the near future. There are already alternative news boards that don't require a press
cap. Please put up a thread there, and see if you can get some interest.
2014/03/27(木) 21:43:46.19ID:jtvYJ59h0
2014/03/27(木) 21:47:21.71ID:DUXARSQr0 >>577
2014/03/27(木) 21:48:31.18ID:Y9AFHrvg0
2014/03/27(木) 21:48:46.16ID:RjB4k4E60 >>575
It's just the criteria.
If the site keep fair-use , it don't have to delete its site.
This volunteer banish ONLY unfair sites .
We never banish fair-use sites.
Jack-san maybe select the proper person.
It's just the criteria.
If the site keep fair-use , it don't have to delete its site.
This volunteer banish ONLY unfair sites .
We never banish fair-use sites.
Jack-san maybe select the proper person.
2014/03/27(木) 21:49:11.45ID:PhKAVd2b0
Tamon-kun does not have a problem at all, there is a problem of course is パリダカ筆頭固定 ◆ERINGI/fj/KL.
Not that make a news thread, want パリダカ can only privilege that it is possible to make a thread.
It's just want a sense of superiority. I think reporter cap and not something to be given to human beings of such thought.
If you give about the cap to パリダカ, the person who has been decline positively, but are listed in Ahiru-chan is a million times better.
I strongly hope that パリダカ remarks be completely ignored
Tamon-kun does not have a problem at all, there is a problem of course is パリダカ筆頭固定 ◆ERINGI/fj/KL.
Not that make a news thread, want パリダカ can only privilege that it is possible to make a thread.
It's just want a sense of superiority. I think reporter cap and not something to be given to human beings of such thought.
If you give about the cap to パリダカ, the person who has been decline positively, but are listed in Ahiru-chan is a million times better.
I strongly hope that パリダカ remarks be completely ignored
2014/03/27(木) 21:49:29.61ID:jtvYJ59h0
Hello Jim-san
What matter of deregulation of the smartphone going? Were there any progress or what?
What matter of deregulation of the smartphone going? Were there any progress or what?
2014/03/27(木) 21:56:16.17ID:cwTrLjhg0 慌てない慌てない
2014/03/27(木) 21:57:31.96ID:/rSixzIL0
[´・ω・`] KD182249244147.au-net.ne.jpさんはすっかりキャラ立ちし感があるw
2014/03/27(木) 21:59:00.98ID:DUXARSQr0 >>582
So I do want to write in 2ch. Or addiction?
2014/03/27(木) 22:02:38.76ID:Y9AFHrvg0
589Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 22:19:08.73ID:???0 >>583
I have no news. There are tickets at AU. Maybe if the AU users call and ask. There can be movement.
regulation is waiting on the ISP always. We move pretty fast.
I have no news. There are tickets at AU. Maybe if the AU users call and ask. There can be movement.
regulation is waiting on the ISP always. We move pretty fast.
2014/03/27(木) 22:19:56.52ID:JdHxeYd30
good evening JIM-san
I beg to differ with you.
in TOUA , KOTEHAN problem was discussed long long time.
TOUA KOTEHAN are no principals.
They talk about random stuff in news tred endlessly.
So some people who want to talk about main issue in tred feel frustrated.
I sustain your decision but I do not suttain your suspect.
If you can , please try to read TOUA tred that built three mount ago
you could understand my opinion.
best regard
good evening JIM-san
I beg to differ with you.
in TOUA , KOTEHAN problem was discussed long long time.
TOUA KOTEHAN are no principals.
They talk about random stuff in news tred endlessly.
So some people who want to talk about main issue in tred feel frustrated.
I sustain your decision but I do not suttain your suspect.
If you can , please try to read TOUA tred that built three mount ago
you could understand my opinion.
best regard
591Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 22:20:54.00ID:???0592Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 22:24:44.95ID:???0 >>590
I understand your opinion. I hope things work out there. I want you all to be happy and
stay in your news4plus board. I made a decision. It might not be the right decision, but
let's give it a chance. If it doesn't work, then we can try something else. Did you join
the no kotehan discussion on news4plusd? I think it will become quite lively once a name
is decided on.
I understand your opinion. I hope things work out there. I want you all to be happy and
stay in your news4plus board. I made a decision. It might not be the right decision, but
let's give it a chance. If it doesn't work, then we can try something else. Did you join
the no kotehan discussion on news4plusd? I think it will become quite lively once a name
is decided on.
2014/03/27(木) 22:26:07.02ID:/rSixzIL0
予定通りKENMO CAPを推し進める嫌儲板住人がjackさんを攻撃し始めてるね
594Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 22:27:36.43ID:???0 >>593
If you attack Jack-san, then that is counter productive. He is very busy.
If you attack Jack-san, then that is counter productive. He is very busy.
2014/03/27(木) 22:33:41.65ID:cwTrLjhg0 運営も大変だねぇ
2014/03/27(木) 22:34:49.99ID:/rSixzIL0
2014/03/27(木) 22:35:49.24ID:RjB4k4E60 Jim-san.
Jack-san requested us further clarification.
He is very careful person.
But , we NEVER attack him.It's the work of Affinia.
So, we'll continue the discussion and create clear rule.
I guess that you would not like to publish clear Fair-use rule.
Because , its rule may inhibit the freedom and creative things.
We'll try to create optimum process.
We'll do our best .
Thank you .
Jack-san requested us further clarification.
He is very careful person.
But , we NEVER attack him.It's the work of Affinia.
So, we'll continue the discussion and create clear rule.
I guess that you would not like to publish clear Fair-use rule.
Because , its rule may inhibit the freedom and creative things.
We'll try to create optimum process.
We'll do our best .
Thank you .
2014/03/27(木) 22:42:36.21ID:JdHxeYd30
reply thanks Jim-san.
I am joining disucussion on news4plusd for board name.
I try and make news4plused a pleasant place to live.
please assist us in the future.
best regard.
reply thanks Jim-san.
I am joining disucussion on news4plusd for board name.
I try and make news4plused a pleasant place to live.
please assist us in the future.
best regard.
2014/03/27(木) 22:44:50.54ID:pj67r5ho0
600Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 22:45:10.90ID:???0 >>598
I will, just let me know when you need assistance.
I will, just let me know when you need assistance.
2014/03/27(木) 22:46:42.37ID:???0
AGAIN, BBX-DNS problem has recurred.
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net
>> no reply.
Unless it fixies this completely, Rock54 ability cannot be demonstrated.
Can't again and such a thing be prevented from whether already happening?
bbx.2ch.net. 259200 IN NS a.ns.bbx.2ch.net.
a.ns.bbx.2ch.net. 259200 IN A
Please, it would like to complete this.
AGAIN, BBX-DNS problem has recurred.
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net
>> no reply.
Unless it fixies this completely, Rock54 ability cannot be demonstrated.
Can't again and such a thing be prevented from whether already happening?
bbx.2ch.net. 259200 IN NS a.ns.bbx.2ch.net.
a.ns.bbx.2ch.net. 259200 IN A
Please, it would like to complete this.
602Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 22:47:10.52ID:???0 >>597
603Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 22:59:55.06ID:???0 >>601
こんばんは Mango Mangue-san,
These are the exact settings in ns1,ns2.nttec.com
bbx.2ch.net. 259200 IN NS a.ns.bbx.2ch.net.
a.ns.bbx.2ch.net. 259200 IN A
I have made 1 change a previous entry with an IP that was commented out line was deleted.
That could be the only problem I see.
Please check it after DNS has migrated.
こんばんは Mango Mangue-san,
These are the exact settings in ns1,ns2.nttec.com
bbx.2ch.net. 259200 IN NS a.ns.bbx.2ch.net.
a.ns.bbx.2ch.net. 259200 IN A
I have made 1 change a previous entry with an IP that was commented out line was deleted.
That could be the only problem I see.
Please check it after DNS has migrated.
2014/03/27(木) 23:00:53.33ID:AQwwAB+d0
2014/03/27(木) 23:05:07.53ID:RjB4k4E60
607Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 23:09:33.55ID:???0 >>604-605
English is my first language. I am fluent in Spanish if you would like to talk in Spanish.
I am not Japanese.
English is my first language. I am fluent in Spanish if you would like to talk in Spanish.
I am not Japanese.
2014/03/27(木) 23:09:47.51ID:ErC1xcdJ0
Hey you,
Even one month and more after the change of regime, 2ch has not formed a new cabinet yet.
It is worse than Democratic Party of Japan.
Hey you,
Even one month and more after the change of regime, 2ch has not formed a new cabinet yet.
It is worse than Democratic Party of Japan.
2014/03/27(木) 23:11:14.66ID:RdyHoHI30
2014/03/27(木) 23:16:03.83ID:???0
611Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 23:17:06.16ID:???0 >>608
It's just a bunch of guys drawing graffiti on the walls.
It's just a bunch of guys drawing graffiti on the walls.
2014/03/27(木) 23:17:57.73ID:cZO4olPK0 あ
614Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 23:17:58.86ID:???0 >>610
Would you like it sooner...:) I am online and can make another update...;)
Would you like it sooner...:) I am online and can make another update...;)
2014/03/27(木) 23:22:58.12ID:???0
Llegó el frutero con frutas de mi país.
casera cómprame frutas que son ricas y para usted.
Llegó el frutero con frutas de mi país.
casera cómprame frutas que son ricas y para usted.
2014/03/27(木) 23:23:46.07ID:AQwwAB+d0
When we decided the name of the board,
there is an opinion that want to that URL also according to the name of the board, is it possible?
When we decided the name of the board,
there is an opinion that want to that URL also according to the name of the board, is it possible?
617Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 23:25:01.81ID:???0 >>615
muy bueno fiesta pon de la mesa.
muy bueno fiesta pon de la mesa.
2014/03/27(木) 23:25:44.54ID:???0
Therefore, probably, it said "Let's use utf-8"! (´Д`)hahaha
619Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 23:25:56.49ID:???0 >>610
Please dig again sir.
Please dig again sir.
2014/03/27(木) 23:34:13.09ID:JdHxeYd30
thanks JIM-san
thanks JIM-san
2014/03/27(木) 23:34:42.65ID:JDgmSYIX0
There is a server of this video San Francisco are you?
There is a server of this video San Francisco are you?
622Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 23:36:09.37ID:???0 >>618
It is the 21st century, shift_jis is retro, and cool.
It is the 21st century, shift_jis is retro, and cool.
623Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 23:39:11.01ID:???0 >>616
It is possible, but it will have to wait until we are not busy. It is better to just use that name.
It is gives honor to the news board that gave birth to it.
It is possible, but it will have to wait until we are not busy. It is better to just use that name.
It is gives honor to the news board that gave birth to it.
624Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 23:41:19.60ID:???0 >>621
2014/03/27(木) 23:43:13.77ID:AQwwAB+d0
thanks jim
thanks jim
2014/03/27(木) 23:44:13.36ID:ErC1xcdJ0
I am talking about not those who scribble the graffiti on walls but those who clean the graffiti off walls.
I am talking about not those who scribble the graffiti on walls but those who clean the graffiti off walls.
627Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 23:45:18.45ID:???0 >>609
いってよし お前もな
いってよし お前もな
2014/03/27(木) 23:45:48.47ID:???0
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ +norec +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net +norec +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ns1.nttec.com +norec +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ns1.nttec.com +short
(´Д`) at cobra2245
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ +norec +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net +norec +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ns1.nttec.com +norec +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ns1.nttec.com +short
(´Д`) at my MBA.
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ +norec +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net +norec +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ns1.nttec.com +norec +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ns1.nttec.com +short
(´Д`) at cobra2245
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ +norec +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net +norec +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ns1.nttec.com +norec +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @ns1.nttec.com +short
(´Д`) at my MBA.
629Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 23:48:55.95ID:???0 >>620,623
2014/03/27(木) 23:50:49.92ID:hzybhpM70
631Grape Ape ★
2014/03/27(木) 23:51:15.07ID:???02014/03/27(木) 23:54:33.47ID:SJp4WNUv0
Sonshi is a pet name of that lawyer, as you may know.
2014/03/27(木) 23:56:15.53ID:???0
2014/03/27(木) 23:59:03.22ID:???0
2014/03/27(木) 23:59:29.22ID:RdyHoHI30
( ´∀`)b
( ´∀`)b
636Grape Ape ★
2014/03/28(金) 00:05:35.82ID:???0 >>633
let me connect again and see what I can do.
Please post the correct information, don't put a ttl.
let me connect again and see what I can do.
Please post the correct information, don't put a ttl.
637Grape Ape ★
2014/03/28(金) 00:08:16.41ID:???0 >>633
This may be a typing error.
bbm.2ch.net. 259200 IN NS a.ns.bbm.2ch.net.
bbm.2ch.net. 259200 IN NS b.ns.bbm.2ch.net.
a.ns.bbm.2ch.net. IN A
b.ns.bbm.2ch.net. IN A
There is no BBN
This may be a typing error.
bbm.2ch.net. 259200 IN NS a.ns.bbm.2ch.net.
bbm.2ch.net. 259200 IN NS b.ns.bbm.2ch.net.
a.ns.bbm.2ch.net. IN A
b.ns.bbm.2ch.net. IN A
There is no BBN
2014/03/28(金) 00:12:56.60ID:fE1c690Y0
Jim-san went to last When ?
Jim-san went to last When ?
2014/03/28(金) 00:15:04.00ID:???0
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net. +trace
; <<>> DiG 9.6.-ESV-R5-P1 <<>> ns bbx.2ch.net. +trace
;; global options: +cmd
. 12356 IN NS f.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS m.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS a.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS j.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS l.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS g.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS k.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS c.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS d.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS b.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS h.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS i.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS e.root-servers.net.
;; Received 228 bytes from in 3 ms
net. 172800 IN NS h.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS i.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS f.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS b.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS d.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS k.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS e.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS g.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS j.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS l.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS a.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS m.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS c.gtld-servers.net.
;; Received 498 bytes from in 158 ms
2ch.net. 172800 IN NS ns1.nttec.com.
2ch.net. 172800 IN NS ns2.nttec.com.
;; Received 106 bytes from in 73 ms
bbx.2ch.net. 300 IN NS a.ns.bbx.2ch.net.
;; Received 64 bytes from in 15134 ms
;; Received 29 bytes from in 0 ms
; <<>> DiG 9.6.-ESV-R5-P1 <<>> ns bbx.2ch.net. +trace
;; global options: +cmd
. 12356 IN NS f.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS m.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS a.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS j.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS l.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS g.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS k.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS c.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS d.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS b.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS h.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS i.root-servers.net.
. 12356 IN NS e.root-servers.net.
;; Received 228 bytes from in 3 ms
net. 172800 IN NS h.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS i.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS f.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS b.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS d.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS k.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS e.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS g.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS j.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS l.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS a.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS m.gtld-servers.net.
net. 172800 IN NS c.gtld-servers.net.
;; Received 498 bytes from in 158 ms
2ch.net. 172800 IN NS ns1.nttec.com.
2ch.net. 172800 IN NS ns2.nttec.com.
;; Received 106 bytes from in 73 ms
bbx.2ch.net. 300 IN NS a.ns.bbx.2ch.net.
;; Received 64 bytes from in 15134 ms
;; Received 29 bytes from in 0 ms
$ dig ns bbm.2ch.net @a.ns.bbm.2ch.net +short
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @a.ns.bbx.2ch.net +short
dig: couldn't get address for 'a.ns.bbx.2ch.net': not found
There is an abnormality in NS?
$ dig ns bbx.2ch.net @a.ns.bbx.2ch.net +short
dig: couldn't get address for 'a.ns.bbx.2ch.net': not found
There is an abnormality in NS?
2014/03/28(金) 00:18:07.20ID:???0
642Grape Ape ★
2014/03/28(金) 00:18:44.36ID:???0 >>639
643Grape Ape ★
2014/03/28(金) 00:20:15.62ID:???0644Grape Ape ★
2014/03/28(金) 00:21:04.33ID:???0 >>638
2014/03/28(金) 00:22:09.26ID:???0
Since time is taken extremely, there may be no GRUE record.
bbx.2ch.net. 300 IN NS a.ns.bbx.2ch.net.
;; Received 64 bytes from in 15134 ms <<<
Since time is taken extremely, there may be no GRUE record.
bbx.2ch.net. 300 IN NS a.ns.bbx.2ch.net.
;; Received 64 bytes from in 15134 ms <<<
646Grape Ape ★
2014/03/28(金) 00:24:01.61ID:???0 >>640
a.ns.bbx.2ch.net. IN A
a.ns.bbx.2ch.net. IN A
2014/03/28(金) 00:25:37.10ID:???0
'bbn.2ch' had included at rock54.2ch.net.(be broken tiger509)
'bbn.2ch' had included at rock54.2ch.net.(be broken tiger509)
648Grape Ape ★
2014/03/28(金) 00:31:12.33ID:???02014/03/28(金) 00:32:03.79ID:???0
BBN still remained!
$ dig ns bbn.2ch.net. @ns1.maido3.com <<<
; <<>> DiG 9.6.-ESV-R5-P1 <<>> ns bbn.2ch.net. @ns1.maido3.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 36390
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
;bbn.2ch.net. IN NS
bbn.2ch.net. 259200 IN NS a.ns.bbn.2ch.net.
a.ns.bbn.2ch.net. 259200 IN A
;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Mar 27 08:30:30 2014
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 64
$ dig ns bbn.2ch.net. @ns1.maido3.com <<<
; <<>> DiG 9.6.-ESV-R5-P1 <<>> ns bbn.2ch.net. @ns1.maido3.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 36390
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
;bbn.2ch.net. IN NS
bbn.2ch.net. 259200 IN NS a.ns.bbn.2ch.net.
a.ns.bbn.2ch.net. 259200 IN A
;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Mar 27 08:30:30 2014
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 64
2014/03/28(金) 00:34:15.15ID:???0
$ dig -x +short
bbn was 3rd IP address at tiger509.
bbn was 3rd IP address at tiger509.
651Grape Ape ★
2014/03/28(金) 00:34:35.83ID:???0 >>649
wrong name server. There are 3 sets
ns1.nttec.com ns2.nttec.com 0
ns1.maido3.net ns2.maido3.net X
ns1.maido3.com ns2.maido3.com X
wrong name server. There are 3 sets
ns1.nttec.com ns2.nttec.com 0
ns1.maido3.net ns2.maido3.net X
ns1.maido3.com ns2.maido3.com X
2014/03/28(金) 00:35:44.08ID:???0
653Grape Ape ★
2014/03/28(金) 00:38:05.90ID:???0 >>650
If that can run on a VPS machine, I can make a new one tomorrow. If it needs a physical machine
then tell me the specs. Probably it does not need to be a huge machine just for dns.
If that can run on a VPS machine, I can make a new one tomorrow. If it needs a physical machine
then tell me the specs. Probably it does not need to be a huge machine just for dns.
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