We discuss about Affinia report volunteer(KENMO CAP) now.
Jack-san said us that " Please clarify the criteria " .
So , we try to make Fair-Use Guide
We request the deletion to Affinia site in accordance with these rule.
We do NOT want to delete Fair-Use sites.
If you can , could you please tell your opinion for us.
Fair-Use Guide
(A) Don't get profit through the web site that use 2ch contents.
(B) Keep to use the 2ch contents to the minimum .
(C) Don't tamper.
(D) Don't sift that malicious and intentional .
(E) Please write the original source page URL , "This is the 2ch contents" and create backlink in the prominent place.
(F) Don't infringe the interests of the 2ch.
(G) Don't infringe the interests of the original source's community .
(H) Please according to remove as soon as possible when we request the deletion.
Thank you.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★17
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2014/03/27(木) 20:50:20.04ID:RjB4k4E60
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