Hey Jim-san.
As well as a non-achiever of two military apprenticeship era, パリダカ is a non-achiever minimum fuel the thread residents by exploiting the two military cap.
Deprivation final reason is that it leaked many times the password of the cap, it bothered Tumon you. Being existence not to give the cap to snake or more, it is a malicious liar full of going to betray the unabashedly Jim.
● It is about was delighted that it was good to not have to buy in because they can not be trusted is also operated.
It does not like that he buy a ronin without any cap right but, oh the right and wound up only gold.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★17
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2014/03/27(木) 21:34:00.31ID:PhKAVd2b0
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