Hello Jim-san,
The Kenmo Cap discussion thread was consumed in a half day.
and we've been tentatively discussing Kenmo Cap in the following thread.
Let's talk with Jim-san in siberia
Now some people started claiming; "Kotehans" have no rights to post in the Kenmo Cap discussion thread because Kotehans tend to bring over trolls.
and trying to make "Banning of Kotehan (and BE)" into the rule of future Kenmo Cap discussion thread.
Some people have been opposed to that rule because it's strongly against principle of democracy, like the extermination of Jewry.
But it'll be decided by majority voting.
Do you think Kotehans should be excluded from the discussion?
I'm sorry for asking such a little thing during server issues, but I hope you give us an advice in a spare time.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★17
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