Hi Jim-san
I'm a member of the anime salon, and I make an objection to the indication of the prefecture,
which became one of the point of the vote.
The vote is >>297 .
In anime salon, the indication of the prefecture had been carried out a few years ago.
Then, the fierce discrimination against local residents happened. (the meaning of "local" is anywhere with the exception of the Tokyo metropolitan area)
Because most of the TV animation shows are broadcasted via a local station of Tokyo(Tokyo MX television, which can be watched only in Tokyo) at first,
earlier than via other local stations of Japan by 2 days - 1 week,
so local residents who were indicated not living in Tokyo by the name entry were always harassed by spoilers of next week.
Besides, Some people regarded and blamed all local residents as illegal audience who watched the animation shows by illegal uploaded videos.
(Though, practically, all local residents can watch the same shows by satellite broadcasting or internet broadcasting 1 week later.)
As a result, local residents had been unable to see the anime salon and almost extincted at that day.
Citizens of Tokyo think they have no problem about indication of the prefecture because they will not suffer any discrimination.
Users of smartphone/mobile telephone also takes no notice of it because their prefecture will not be indicated.
Though the bill(the indication of the prefecture) was carried by majority which consists of the citizens of Tokyo,
and local residents who can avoid the indication of the prefecture by mobile telephone etc,
still, I would like to say that only the indication of ID is necessary, the prefecture is not, for the above bitter experiences.
I really hope for your appropriate judgement about it.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★18
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2014/03/31(月) 10:04:40.55ID:fgzObQZ20
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