Preventing trolls is most reason of displaying prefecture in asaloon (anime saloon).
However displaying ID was already carried out in anime4vip (anime saloon EX), most of emmigration to there have been vailed
Because lots of trolls have changed their IP adress so as to change their ID.
Lamentably, those IP-adress-changing trolls is evidently sxisting even in our voting thread.
Thus, most of us hope to achieve displaying prefecture.

And now we expect some good subeffect of displaying prefecture.
In Japan, lots of animation is bloadcasted in small local bloadcaiting service.
So if I can see prefecture name,we can only discuss animes in my prefecture, and I can even prevent malicious spoiler of story of anime which cannot see in my prefecture.
And pirated animation film is viewed as suspection. Then we can even care and attention of them.