The main problem of kenmo people is their anti-social activism.
They can't have confidence of themselves and their lives and they believe it's sololy because of the environment surrounding them.
The environment includes everything from people to their government.
They develop hatred toward people living happily and their purpose of living becomes distructing peoples' lives who live happily.
Kenmo people are no constructive but destructive.
What makes the problem worse is that they don't get satisfied being in the board given to them and hating the environment.
They use the board just as their base and they 'attack' people in other boards using very negative language in order to make them unhappy as kenmo people are.
2ch was a much happier place before even though it was regarded as an underground site, but now it's not. People from kenmo are trying to make other people be unhappy by demeaning everything including people in Japan calling them 'Jap'.
I think this is a big issue not only for those who are suffering from the negavie impact by kenmo people but the executives of 2ch because it's causing peaceful people leave 2ch.
Hiroyuki is said to be going to open another 2ch.
If this 2ch (2ch here) fails to handle properly the problem of kenmo, it could lose majority of people here.
Sorry for the long commet.
I've been a resident here for about 15 years and I just wanted Jim-san and people here know what the problem really means. It's not as shallow as the problem of Nan J having 2 kind of people there.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★21
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2014/04/10(木) 02:17:50.70ID:13AUdI2D0
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