Dear Mr.Jim
Good morning
At first, I would like to express your cooperation to give us the fun and respect any your decision on the management of 2 channel.
And of course I agree to your copy rights policy
I would like to tell you that I will never agree to changing name file of ( Although >> 328
asked you to change that, I highly appreciate it if you would reject his proposal.
The reasons:
1. I do NOT think many users do want to change name field of idol board to change name field. And the discussion was
suspended by those who wanted to alter it unilaterally. Then he started the announcement of voting.
2. Although reproduction must be prohibited, the name field should not be changed. Because you have already shown
your policy on the top of 2 channel, that is an only effective way. You should send the notification to evil Affikasu if
you seriously want to stop them.
3. Almost users are tired of talking of Affikasu and ARR issues. And as you may know, there is a vigilante group to
tackle with Affikasu. They are very active, strong and reckless. So they sometimes makes other users unhappy
because we do NOT want to be used as stepping stone as they succeed in tackling with Affikasu. Please leave us alone.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★21
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2014/04/10(木) 09:25:24.49ID:/UWhbNt80
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