I'm not very interested in race conflict issues.
Though I personally don't like Korean netizens that much, I'm not willing to bash them based on rumor/delusion/emotion.
To make your insanely long story to short:
1. Koreans resident in KENMO are conducting some kind of operation against Japan.
2. Afikasu need to protect Japan from them by spreading the "truth" all over the country.
3. 2-channel must allow Afikasu to use its properties freely and let Afikasu profit from that activities. It's for justice.
Hmm... simply, you're insane.
I think there is no leg to stand on in your syllogism (三段論法) at all.
There seems a lot of leap of logic.
Why don't you create your own article without abusing 2-channel copyrights?
If you absolutely want to USE 2-channel's properties, again, why don't you offer attractive kickback?
There is no free lunch, no free dinner.
It's simple, even high school girls know it.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★21
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2014/04/10(木) 12:18:30.00ID:mkdxMKofi■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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