Jim, you asshole, is nothing but a miser.
You restrict p2 just for selling Ronin.
You restrict access by mobile just for selling Ronin.
You robbed 2ch because he wanted to sell Ronin.
You are suppoting Kenmo guys to let copy sites collapse, to gather more people to 2ch, and sell more Ronin.
and further more, you are not good IT skilled person.
I really disappointed that you explained Brazil attacked 2ch by synflood.
At that time I could notice you are too poor IT skilled person.
I think you really dont know what synflood is.
You also said that you checked IP and found there are no KENMO men in voting thread.
Lol. can you explain how you use IP to identify who is Kenmo and who is not?
If you know exact what IP is, then you cannot say such stupid things.
anyway your domination will be terminated soon.
be prepared for it.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★21
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2014/04/10(木) 13:32:44.36ID:NKSmoo4P0
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