Hi Jim-san,
Since many people express their concern about Kenmo related problems and demand for 931, I would like to just write about it in English so you could grasp the situation more correctly.
The number of garbage threads is surpassing that of meaningful threads at News Sokuhou (news) board.
This wasn't so before at least before Kenmo people attacked the news board using their own made posting tools late last year.
2ch could manage to deal with it by banning attackers manually.
At that time some of the inhabitants at the news board left 2ch and the news board experienced severe decline in population.
It seems the attack was over, but it still is going on in different formats.
Kenmo people learned then that DoS-like attacks are subject to ban, they changed their ways and now their aim is to make the board unable to function properly and make people there leave 2ch by making the board less meaningful.
As they increase their presence there, original inhabitants are leaving 2ch finding it less meaningful to stay there.
This activity and tendency started to be seen also at the newsplus board even though it is not serious enough to make the board unable to function properly there at the moment.
If people experience unpleasant or meaningful feelings for a certain amount of time, they start to think of leaving.
The news board is dying, I would say. The newsplus board is likely to face the same situation in the future if things keep going on at the current pace.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★21
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2014/04/11(金) 22:02:36.37ID:DVBvQdRa0
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