Translated from >>145
Good morning, Jim!
I have a suggestion that I'd like you to consider:
Why don't you add a section at the top of the thread list page that
displays information on the egregious attacks being waged on 2ch.net
by Hiroyuki Nishimura and his greedy cohorts
(e.g., scraping all thread content and making DDoS attacks)?
That could help bring the issue to the attention of
tech-savvy and conscientious 2ch.net users,
who could be mobilized to fend off those attacks, I think.
Actually, I find it frustrating that there are very few 2ch.net users who are aware of
what is going on and what we are up against.
And I am worried that Hiroyuki's camp is growing bigger and more aggressive,
as you can probably see by scanning this thread.
So, we need more people becoming aware of the threat being posed by Hiroyuki,
and joining our camp to defend 2ch.net.
Thanks for your attention!
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★26
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2014/04/15(火) 11:21:05.11ID:WeDGXwtM0
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