
890 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/04/16(水) 13:15:55.37 ID:???0
Nttec used to be partners with IIS.
IIS had some servers in the Nttec data center.
A few weeks ago, IIS began to secretly move their servers to EMW.
EMW is hiroyuki's new server company. EMW is the company that is hosting 2ch. SC
Before IIS finished secretly moving their servers, they secretly changed some config files in the data center's DNS system.
Sabotage is what caused the server problems yesterday at 9pm.

After we fixed and cleaned the DNS system at Nttec, then the problems stopped.

928 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です[sage] 投稿日:2014/04/16(水) 13:34:09.12 ID:l9Fzv6+O0