
> http://maguro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1397496636/890
> 890 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/04/16(水) 13:15:55.37 ID:???0
> >>881
> Nttec used to be partners with IIS.
> IIS had some servers in the Nttec data center.
> A few weeks ago, IIS began to secretly move their servers to EMW.
> EMW is hiroyuki's new server company. EMW is the company that is hosting 2ch. SC
> Before IIS finished secretly moving their servers, they secretly changed some config files in the data center's DNS system.
> Sabotage is what caused the server problems yesterday at 9pm.
> After we fixed and cleaned the DNS system at Nttec, then the problems stopped.