(^ー^*bリこじるりるり ◆SLzxlG.QR2 is Spy of Hiroyuki,Believer of Hiroyuki.
(^ー^*bリこじるりるり ◆SLzxlG.QR2 is Stammering symptom,Fool,Unko(Shit).
His nickname is "Unkonkon "
He is Disturbance person of The wolf board.
He is Bum head of The wolf boad.


(^ー^*bリこじるりるり ◆SLzxlG.QR2 is the right-hand side of Hiroyuki.
He has not been to the other party to Hiroyuki.
Because his words meaning unknown.
What he says is incomprehensible, it is not made into the partner.
Don't hear his words.