602 [´・ω・`] なるちゃん@otoge u720044.xgssu1.imtp.tachikawa.mopera.net 2014/04/18(金) 20:15:02.13 ID:Z5dpUVZw0
Despite the fact that I paid money to buy Ronin, I cannot login the server.
No more patient...

626 Grape Ape ★ 2014/04/18(金) 20:43:19.95 ID:???0 ?2BP(666)
Please try resetting your password.
Then see your new secret key.

Sorry, it took late, Jimmy.

I succeeded resetting my password on your website.

But, I failed login Ronin Official site, though I entered my e-mail address and new secret key.
My PDA displayed "Invailed login credential".
What should I do next?

Probably, it's considered that my problem is connected with NTTtec server trouble recently.

I'm waiting for your responce picking my nose.