まあ根拠のないうわさを流すか、The believer of Tarako passes the rumor without a basis.
JIMが借金だらけだとかJIMに関する悪い噂を捏造して流すか、 For example, JIM is saddled with a large amount of debt.
For example, the rumor that Tarako has cooperated with a Japanese politician or a major company is passed.
今回のように味方のふりをした工作員を送り込むか、For example, the spy who delays work of JIM is dispatched.
Or Tarako dispatches the spy who destroys the DNS server and other servers of San Francisco directly.

タラコの行動は、最悪でもこのレベルと推測できます。Even if action of Tarako is the worst, it can be guessed that it is this level.

こっちの側は、まあ   us -- for example

applies for 2ch to Guinness as world's largest electronic bulletin board.
The influence of the world's largest electronic bulletin board is asserted.
Cooperation with an Amazon or Facebook is considered.
It seems that an Amazon and Google are also developing original hardware.
A possibility that the world's largest bulletin board will become the ally could be suggested.
It is important that JIM find the the advertising agency which can trust it