Hello. We are accepting new applications for PLUS volunteer reporters.
Please use this form to apply:
If we deem your application to be good, then we will email you a PLUS cap for the boards that you apply for. Feel free to apply for multiple boards.
If you are a current PLUS volunteer, please indicate that on your application and we will expedite your new plus cap.
You are recommended to use a pseudonym and email account that cannot be linked to your real identity.
Please note:
Your plus CAP can be revoked at any time if you use it for vandalous purposes, or receive an extraordinary amount of reports against you.
Recruiting new PLUS volunteer reporters.
Recruiting new PLUS volunteer reporters.★2
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2014/05/12(月) 21:48:16.34ID:bYZzXhYl0
2014/06/21(土) 15:03:51.25ID:vm56XgQL0
2014/06/21(土) 15:04:24.22ID:vm56XgQL0
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