Dear Jim-san,
We are posting this message as the representitives of the hikky board.
Answering to your call, we, the people of the hikky board, have conducted a referendum on the compulsory ID system.
It has been conducted with enough period of time for the announcement and debate needed for it as requested.
Valid votes: 23
In favor: 20
Opposed: 3
We wrote the result and the details here and at,722
But unfortunately, it was a few days after the sc issue occurred.
Almost all of the request made then were kept unanswered because you were busy dealing with the issue, and the request made by us was one of them.
We've been waiting since then for your response.
We believe the result of the referendum is valid.
We really appreciate it if you examine the result and change the settings of the board when you have time.
Thank you
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★37
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2014/05/19(月) 22:20:38.49ID:PCzYyqEm0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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