
524 名前:偽fox[] 投稿日:2014/05/13(火) 20:57:40.08 ID:2OWpB4IZ0
about boardmoving. there is the way that grand-pa said
already I got weak. everything I have forgotten, time fly

1) 旧サーバは動かしておく
stay old server well. please don't touch anything at the board on old server.
2) 新サーバ上で準備万端に書けるようにする ← ここ重要
Let's make new board on new server first. and test it that works correctly
you have to make at least one thread like as 'Happy Holidays'
people want to test it , they like it.
3) 旧サーバのSETTING.TXTを消す
after that . remove or rename SETTING.TXT , and wait 30 min <- important
4) 旧サーバに移転マークを入れる(index.html)
put a index.html on old server for a moving mark
5) これで移転完了。コーヒー&ケーキたいむ
that's all , Let's have a cup of coffee and your favorite cakes <- most important

6) ここまでうまく行っているようなら、あとはゆっくりとdat移転
make sure everything works well, move all of DAT files from old server to new server

I heard FOX's voices