I told Jimber Melon ★ about trollers with be account.
News board had lots of low profile deleters before.
They suppressed ppl too much for years without certain rules even did not recover points even when they took mistakes.
That was one of the reasons why many ppl at news freaked out and moved to KENMOU several years ago.
We always say Kenmou welcomes anyone who wants to stay here.
If deleters start be reduction, ppl will say I do not like this thread, I do not like that
can you delete that? guys will post delete this thread inside threads.
That will be the bad dream that we had before at news.
Jimber Melon ★ deleted trollers's be points without any announcement to Kenmou.
That is not good bodement at all.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★39
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782あひるちゃん ◆2gpD9lKn5TVE
2014/06/04(水) 20:50:43.66ID:3sFulKoW0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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