326 名前:Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/06/05(木) 17:16:54.22 ID:???0
Anybody have qualms about making these two boards?
iOS games -> games for ipad, iphone, itouch, ipod, ipad mini, etc
crypto-currency -> chat about crypto-currencies [ litecoin, bitcoin, dogecoin, monacoin .. ]
327 名前:Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/06/05(木) 17:25:34.59 ID:???0
If we make an iOS games board, then do we also need an Android games board?
Would it be better if we combined them and made a smartphone games board instead?
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2014/06/05(木) 22:09:41.60ID:CgtpCsy10
2014/06/05(木) 22:14:14.09ID:CgtpCsy10
【理由】Now the majority of threads on iPhone board are about iPhone games, in modestly writing. They can't take it anymore. And even iPad is exiled also.
【内容】iPhone/iPad games in general.
【フォルダ】anything(iPhonegame? Umm.)
【名無し】iPhone 774G
【板名】 スマホゲーム
【理由】 Now the majority of threads on iPhone board are about iPhone games, in modestly writing. They can't take it anymore.
【内容】 iOS games and Android games in general.
【鯖】 anywhere
【フォルダ】 smartphonegame
【カテゴリ】 家電製品
【名無し】 -
【ID】 Forced-ID
【理由】Now the majority of threads on iPhone board are about iPhone games, in modestly writing. They can't take it anymore. And even iPad is exiled also.
【内容】iPhone/iPad games in general.
【フォルダ】anything(iPhonegame? Umm.)
【名無し】iPhone 774G
【板名】 スマホゲーム
【理由】 Now the majority of threads on iPhone board are about iPhone games, in modestly writing. They can't take it anymore.
【内容】 iOS games and Android games in general.
【鯖】 anywhere
【フォルダ】 smartphonegame
【カテゴリ】 家電製品
【名無し】 -
【ID】 Forced-ID
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています