Hi, Jim-san and CM-san.
I have been thankful to your attitude to respect Kenmo people's opinion,
but I must say BE ID display was a wrong idea.
Kenmo people conplains like " We want inteligent threads" "No more shit threads"
but what they ACTUALLY do is making many posts on shit threads and ignoring inteligent, informative threads.
This is the very problem and what we must do about this is make people interested more in informative threads, not in clappy things like male vs female , right-wings vs left, or so on.
Some Kenmo people may use BE ID display effectively, but I don't think most of them (who is making posts on shit threads) can use it properly.
If they could, they'd already ignored those shit threads.
Instead of BE ID display, we need some sorts of new slogan or movemnent to become more interested in inteligent, informative, constructive threads.
What we need to do is watering good things, not concealing bad things.
This is my opinion. Thanks for reading.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★46
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