

1 名前:Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/07/25(金) 21:21:30.43 ID:???0 BE:847328605-PLT(44551) ポイント特典
Hey Kenmou. I have changed the BE point requirement on poverty back to 1000.

The reason I set the BE point requirement to 1500 was because many people were complaining to me about "Shit Posts".
I thought changing it to 1500 would lower the amount of shit posting on kenmou.

You guys didn't seem to like the new 1500 point requirement, so it is reset to 1000 now.

I think it should forever be 1000 BE points to post on kenmou.

The first 1000 points are free when you register your email with BE.

I am still planning to make some fun things using the new Melon Point system.

My goal is to make everybody happy.