Hi, Jim-san.
I'm from 【速報】アニメDVD・BDの売り上げを見守るスレ, urisure.
Urisure is very rapidly threads and has been consumed 17112 threads.
I'll explain you why urisure had been moved once and again.
We had been アニメサロンex(http://wc2014.2ch.net/anime4vip/) by nature.
But a awful vandal had appeared at urisure and he has being harm urisure.
Because of that, We had must move.
We couldn't talk at the place where the vandal is.
We moved meow(http://kilauea.bbspink.com/meow/).
But at meow he harmed again.

We are at なんでも実況S(http://hayabusa5.2ch.net/livesaturn/).
Please Jim-san.
We hope for a new board.
We think that the new board should show prefecture's names.
Showing prefecture's names was much effective in the vandalism.
We have requested the new board at here(http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1406138628/31).
Please would you make a new board for us?

I post the evidence that the vandal had done.

★140605 アニメサロンex「折原臨也AA」コピペ連投埋め立て荒らし報告
★140728 meow 海外県名表示による大型AAコピペ連投埋立荒らし報告
★140722 meow (庭)による大型AAコピペ連投埋め立て荒らし報告